Resilience Grows Here (RGH) is a mental health initiative of the Farmington Valley Health District aimed at reaching everyone who lives, works, learns, and plays in the Farmington Valley no matter where they are in their life journey. 

The importance of mental health in children aged 0-5 cannot be overstated, as this critical period lays the foundation for their overall well-being and development. During these formative years, a child’s brain undergoes rapid growth and establishes the neural pathways that shape future cognitive, emotional, and social abilities. Positive mental health in early childhood is closely linked to healthy relationships, secure attachments, and effective stress regulation. Early experiences profoundly impact a child’s resilience and ability to cope with life’s challenges. Investing in the mental health of young children not only fosters emotional stability but also enhances their capacity for learning, social interactions, and successful adaptation later in life. Recognizing and addressing mental health needs in this early stage is vital for preventing potential long-term consequences and promoting a strong foundation for a child’s overall well-being.

Prioritizing mental health among middle and high school students is of paramount importance, given the unique challenges and pressures they face during this pivotal stage of development. Adolescence is marked by significant physical, emotional, and social changes, making it a critical period for mental health awareness and intervention. Academic demands, peer relationships, identity formation, and societal expectations can contribute to stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Fostering positive mental health in students not only enhances their academic performance but also lays the groundwork for lifelong well-being. A healthy mental state during these formative years promotes emotional resilience, effective coping mechanisms, and the development of crucial social skills. Recognizing and addressing mental health needs in middle and high school settings not only supports individual students but also contributes to creating a positive and inclusive school culture that values the mental well-being of its students, setting the stage for healthier and more successful futures.

RGH Schools is a curriculum aimed at middle and high school students. Access course materials, read testimonials, and more. 

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Community Workshops for Parents

The Anxious Child

Social Media & The Minds of Our Children

Navigating a Hybrid Reality

Prioritizing mental health in adults of working age is essential for fostering a productive and balanced workforce. The demands of the modern workplace, coupled with personal and familial responsibilities, can create significant stressors that impact mental well-being. A positive mental health environment in the workplace is conducive to improved concentration, creativity, and overall job performance. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in enhancing interpersonal relationships, communication, and teamwork. Addressing mental health concerns among working-age adults is not only vital for individual happiness and satisfaction but also contributes to the overall success and resilience of organizations. A workforce that values and supports mental health is more likely to exhibit increased job satisfaction, lower absenteeism, and higher levels of employee engagement. By recognizing and actively promoting mental health in the working-age population, we contribute to creating healthier, more vibrant communities and economies.

We offer a variety of courses for adults, including Mental Health First Aid and QPR. 

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The significance of mental health in seniors becomes even more crucial as they navigate the challenges associated with aging, including retirement, loss of loved ones, and potential health issues. Maintaining optimal mental health in this demographic is essential for fostering a sense of well-being and enhancing overall quality of life. Seniors may grapple with issues such as loneliness, isolation, and the potential loss of physical function, all of which can have a profound impact on their mental well-being. Addressing mental health concerns in the elderly not only helps mitigate conditions like depression and anxiety but also plays a vital role in combating the negative effects of social isolation. By prioritizing mental health care for seniors, we not only contribute to their cognitive and emotional resilience but also address issues of loneliness and isolation, promoting a more supportive and compassionate environment for the aging population.


Check out CredibleMind for More Mental Health Resources

CredibleMind is a free, confidential, anonymous online platform available 24/7 to help you understand and care for your mental health.

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Video Resources

Nutmeg TV: Suicide Prevention

Nutmeg TV: Stress

Nutmeg TV: Emotional Intelligence

Nutmeg TV: Mental Wellness

Nutmeg TV: Mental Health First Aid

Granby Focus on Prevention: Opioids, Fentanyl & Risks To Our Youth

The Simsbury Woman: Suicide

Substance Use Series


Veteran's Corner: QPR 1

Veteran's Corner: QPR 2

Coming Home

Destigmatizing Mental Illness